Matt Catalano
A little over four years ago my father was diagnosed with prostate cancer! He has since underwent removal surgery and had to have radiation! Last fall we received good news that his PSA levels have come back undetectable!! We pray that it continues to go this way, but we also know there are countless others who are not so fortunate in their battles and too many that do not make it through! Along with my dad being my motivation, my ride will also be dedicated to the memory of my grandfather and many others who lost their battles! My second ride this year will be dedicated to my friend Joe Thompson who also is a prostate cancer survivor as well as my friend Chuck Pope who lost his battle with Amyloidosis this fall! Canβt wait to ride with you all for this most honorable and worthy cause!!!
As a part of the Snowball Cancer Challenge 2025, Nick and a group of riders on Feb 6, 2025 and Feb 13, 2025 will attempt to ride 500+ miles in ONE DAY β The Valentine 500. These riders will obtain pledges and donations to keep them motivated on their long ride(s). The money raised will go to the Keller Family Community Foundation to support their mission. All donations will be tax deductible.