Snowball Cancer Challenge 2025

The Valentine 500
Thursday, February 8, 2024
Thursday, February 15, 2024

As a part of Snowball Cancer 2024, Nick and a group of volunteers will attempt to ride 500+ miles in ONE DAY – The Valentine 500. These volunteers will obtain pledges and donations to see if they can meet this challenge. The money raised will go to the Keller Family Community Foundation to support their mission. Your donation is tax deductible.  FIN:  27-0408701  

To download a pledge sheet please click on … Valentine 500 – Pledge Sheet


Event details:

Start / End location:
Lake Gogebic Motel - Bergland, MI
Meet and Greet on Wednesday Lake Gogebic motel 10-5 EST
Register Now!


Thank you for your continued support to the

Keller Family Community Foundation 

Snowball Cancer Sponsors