Robert Wiedmeyer

My motivation to ride 500 miles in one day.... I have a friend that has done this ride in the past on a few occasions and he knew that my father in-law had cancer and told me I should do it with him. There were days I was just like "Donny get off my back about this ride". That said, I have gone back and forth on this for two years, thinking can I do this, 500 miles in one day, I will be sore beyond belief. Seeing what my father in-law, and so many others, go through in just one day made this sacrifice seem minimal. My father in-law lost his battle with cancer last year I decided that I would do this ride in honor of his memory.
As a part of the Snowball Cancer Challenge 2025, Nick and a group of riders on Feb 6, 2025 and Feb 13, 2025 will attempt to ride 500+ miles in ONE DAY – The Valentine 500. These riders will obtain pledges and donations to keep them motivated on their long ride(s). The money raised will go to the Keller Family Community Foundation to support their mission. All donations will be tax deductible.

My Sponsors

Dawn Steinmetz

Thank you so much for doing this. This hits home for me and can’t thank you enough for thinking of us all who has battled this horrific disease….
Received this donation 28 days ago


Robert Wiedmeyer

You're welcome Dawn, thank you for your donation.

Henderson Products INC.

Good Luck Rob!
Received this donation 1 month ago


Robert Wiedmeyer

Thank you to all of my teammates at Henderson Products!!!

Scott Fell

Go get em Woody!
Received this donation 1 month ago


Robert Wiedmeyer

Thank you for the support Scott!! Your donation is greatly appreciated!

Matthew Graf

Received this donation 1 month ago


Robert Wiedmeyer

Thank you for your generous donation Matt!! Greatly appreciated!


You are not old. You can do it. Jim is up there just shaking his head with a beer in his hand.
Received this donation 2 months ago


Robert Wiedmeyer

Thank you Mom!! I am sure that is exactly what Jim will be doing. Having your voice in my head when it gets tough telling me "you can do this" will help me get to the finish!!!

The Buettner Family

Good luck and safe travels!!
Received this donation 3 months ago


Robert Wiedmeyer

Thank you very much for your very generous donation! Your support and thoughts of many events in the past will keep me going!

chris rees

Received this donation 3 months ago


Robert Wiedmeyer

Thank you for your very generous donation Chris, greatly appreciated!

Jason Becker

Good Luck. Great Cause. I thought about doing this ride a few years back but chickened out.
Received this donation 3 months ago


Robert Wiedmeyer

I'm an old guy Cricket, if I can do it you can. Thank you for your support, your donation is greatly appreciated!!

Jay Faber

Received this donation 3 months ago


Robert Wiedmeyer

Thanks Jay, hopefully your brother is watching over me that day making for a good ride. Thank you for helping with the very gracious donation

Nabob Prairie Riders Snowmobile club

Good Luck
Received this donation 3 months ago


Robert Wiedmeyer

Thank you Nabob Prairie Riders for your very generous donation!

Scott Cole

Make Jim proud. He was a great man!
Received this donation 3 months ago


Robert Wiedmeyer

Scott, Jim definitely was a great man! Thank you for your donation it is greatly appreciated!

kriss hauser

Thoughtful & caring quest, in memory of Jim & all who suffer with this insidious disease. Thank you❣️
Received this donation 3 months ago


Robert Wiedmeyer

Kriss, Thank you for you generous donation and support!


This is amazing, what a great cause!! And I have zero doubt you'll get it done, and likely the quickest! ❤️
Received this donation 3 months ago


Robert Wiedmeyer

Stacey, this is one that "slow and steady wins the race" lol. It is going to be a long ride but worth it. I am sure at some point through out the ride I will hear your voice in my head helping me to keep going. Thank you for your very generous donation and support!!!


Received this donation 3 months ago


Robert Wiedmeyer

Shannan, Thank you for your help towards meeting my goal for this ride it is greatly appreciated!!

Matt Szymczak@Matty Simz Auto & Tire West Bend WI

Thank you for doing this! I wish I could be riding beside you for this.
Received this donation 3 months ago


Robert Wiedmeyer

Matt, Thank you!!!! I know you can relate to how much cancer hurts those with it and those close to them. Your support is greatly appreciated!!!

Chad Barker

Received this donation 3 months ago


Robert Wiedmeyer

Thank you for your VERY generous donation Chad greatly appreciated!!!

Tammi Ziemer

Good luck! To all the fun stories with Jim around the bonfires. #CancerSucks!
Received this donation 3 months ago


Robert Wiedmeyer

Thank you for your generous donation and support Tammi, greatly appreciated!

Lori Neider

Thank you for doing this! You got this!
Received this donation 3 months ago


Robert Wiedmeyer

Thank you Lori, Very much appreciate your generous donation and support!

$ 2,000.00


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$ 2,212.39

to help families fight cancer

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